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Waste Management Services

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AA Services has about 30 years of practical knowledge and experience in waste management including the handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste. The company uses this wealth of practical experience to provide technical and effective solutions for the design, construction and operation of waste management sites.

Waste Management Facilities

AA Services has experience in designing, constructing and operating waste management facilities such as:

  • Thermal treatment sites for oil based drill cuttings
  • Treatment sites for oily water & sludge
  • Sewage treatment plants & bioremediation sites
  • Landfills & hazardous waste incineration plant
  • Waste transfer stations & hazardous waste storage areas

Waste Management

AA Services offers its clients a complete and comprehensive service for all aspects of waste management. AA Services specializes in developing and operating tailor made waste management systems for its clients providing innovative, technical and effective solutions.

The movement of waste is documented using a system of Waste Transfer Notes. All waste is weighed, recorded, segregated and bulked up prior to weighing and dispatching to recycling facility or final disposal.

The company integrates logistics and waste management to achieve an efficient and cost effective operation. The company, wherever possible, utilizes the latest technology to ensure efficiency and continual improvement in operational and environmental performance.

AA Services is committed to complying with both European and host nation legislation and strives to work with the relevant Ministries, Enforcement Agencies and local economy. Prior to operating in a foreign country, extensive research is undertaken to identify local requirements such as those arising from legislation, topography, infra-structure, culture and license conditions.
For example, operating in Azerbaijan AA Services is:

  • Fully licensed by the Azerbaijan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources for the handling and utilization of hazardous and toxic waste
  • Licensed by the Ministry of Emergencies for transporting hazardous waste
  • Constantly engaged in searching out and introducing new and innovative hazardous waste processing technologies to Azerbaijan in co-operation with the Ministry of Economic Development
  • Operating closely with local companies