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AA Services

Transforming Waste Into Opportunity

Who we are

AA Services is a UAE registered drilling waste management company to the oil and gas industry. The company provides a complete integrated waste management service from cradle to grave. AA Services designs, builds and operates waste management sites including transportation and disposal of waste.

AA Services was established in 1996 and employs 360 personnel worldwide. AA Services has offices and projects in the UAE, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan.  Major clients include: BP, TOTAL, Shell, Chevron, McDermott, Halliburton, Botas, NCOC and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR).


AA Services offers the following services to the oil and gas industry:

Global Operations

AA Services has offices, operations or partners in:

With Previous Operations in:

Safety Quality & Environment

AA Services operates a safety, quality and environmental management system that is aligned with ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 standards. It encompasses all the company’s operating procedures, work schemes, permits and assurance processes. The Company adheres to European standards and maintains a schedule of audits to provide assurance that legislation, standards and company policy are being complied with.



AA Services has more than 20 years of experience in thermal processing of oil based mud (OBM) cuttings and has treated in excess of 1,000,000 tonnes for its clients. The services include the provision of drill cutting boxes, logistics and the thermal treatment and disposal of OBM contaminated cuttings.

AA Services has provided thermal cutting treatment services for BP, Total, Shell and Chevron in the Caspian region, Middle East and Asia.

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